Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Light at the End of the Bathroom

For many of you, Fall seems to be making its way into the air.  As it is the middle of September, it does make sense to be looking forward to the chilly sweater/scarf-wearing weather.  Not so much here, though.  This time of year has always been my favorite, and I'm very glad that this will be the last pseudo-fall  I will experience here in Georgia.

Of course, we have a few things to do first before we can leave!

First, though, I must apologize for forgetting to snap a few pictures of some of the progress in the bathroom.  Both Jared and I have been rather busy, and with my baby brain, it's easy to overlook some things.

So you may notice that there's been a lot of visible progress on the bathroom.  Having finished the electrical and plumbing, Jared was ready to move on to putting up drywall.  I did not capture any of that process, though, but here he is doing the mudding and taping of the recently hung sheetrock.

Although it was probably one of his least favorite things to do, Jared got the job done.  After the joints and screw holes were filled, he sanded everything, and then it was just a coat of primer standing in between us and freshly painted bathroom!

However, Jared decided that he wanted the baseboard in before painting, so, being the handy guy that he is, he got a few one by eights and made the baseboard himself with a router.

This was really more of an experiment to see whether it could be done and look fairly decent.  Most of the house doesn't have baseboard or crown molding, and Jared discovered that making baseboard is a heck of a lot cheaper than buying it.  So if he has the know-how and tools to do so, why not?

Even I was recruited to help in that endeavor.  After Jared routed and sanded the boards, I primed and painted them.

It was nice to be able to help, in at least a small way.

In almost no time at all, Jared put the baseboard in.  After that, I primed the walls with a layer of Killz, although I did not photograph that process, either.  I did discover that scooting around on the floor and bending over for long periods of time are not easy to do while seven and half months pregnant.  After a few touch ups, Jared did the actual painting.

Painting done, the next step for Jared was finding out how to get the tub in, which was no easy feat considering its weight.  I, however, spent my time practicing with the new car seat that we got.

Good grief these things are confusing!  At least we have a good car seat, and Jared even got the running stroller that he wanted, courtesy of my parents.  It might take us a half hour just to get the baby in the seat, but at least we can take the baby home from the hospital.

Moving right along, Jared had a few things left on his bathroom to-do list.  The hole in the wall was to become a recessed medicine cabinet, the tub needed to be moved in and installed, and the toilet and sink needed to be installed as well. The biggest obstacle with this list was the tub.  As heavy as it is, Jared couldn't move it by himself, and though it would only take a minute or two, he had a hard time finding anyone available to help.

So after a few days of doing odds and ends in the bathroom, like getting the medicine cabinet in, he managed to arrange a time for someone to help him.

And this morning, the tub finally got moved to its new home!  Soon, and very soon, this bathroom will be DONE.  It's such a relief to see the beginning of the end.

Here the color of the walls can be seen a little better.  This color definitely likes to change with the light, but it's a nice relaxing tone.  Next stop, toilet and sink!

I'm (figuratively, because I've got a baby pushing on my diaphragm) breathing a sigh of relief with this bathroom.  Though it's been a long time coming, the space is coming together nicely, and I'm looking forward to taking a relaxing bath after so many months of planning and waiting.  Now if only the weather would bless me with some cool's to wishful thinking!

1 comment:

  1. Are you doing baseboards in other rooms now that you're getting good at making them?
