Sunday, September 1, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

Can you believe it's September already?  I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how fast time is moving these days.  August flew by, and I'm sure the next few months will go just as fast.

Jared has been working consistently on the bathroom, so there is a lot of progress to show.

The bathroom plumbing was mostly done, so Jared decided to get working on laying the subfloor.

Thankfully, Jared acquired a few tools from my dad this summer, and they helped expedite this process.  Otherwise, that would have been a lot of battery changes.

My handy man!

Just cutting the right shape of subfloor was quite a project.  This bathroom is kind of an odd shape.

It finally looked like a floor.  What a big step in finishing this space!

After the subfloor came water-resistant dura-rock.

Next step: tile.  Although, we had to find tile first.  We originally were going to try to get enough from the Habitat for Humanity Resale Store, but they didn't have enough of any one kind, so we decided to check out Lowes and Home Depot for some deals.

And we ended up finding a better price on tile at the home improvement store than at the resale store!  We had to be mindful of the color as it needed to coordinate with the tub.

Jared tested out his layout for the tile.  Luckily, he had a bit of experience laying tile before this.  However, he did not have experience drilling/cutting holes in tiles for plumbing.  Despite his reservations, he managed to get the job done just fine.

We were both pretty excited when the tile started going down. This bathroom is coming together!

And what guy doesn't like an excuse to get new tools?  Jared had to get a tile saw, and was rather giddy about trying it out...or as giddy as Jared really gets.

Soon enough the tile was down.  Then the grouting was done, and poof, a real floor!  Now on to the next project.

Jared's friend Rossiter was able to help out with some of the electrical work that needed to be done.  One of the perks of having worked in an engineer battalion is knowing plumbers and electricians.

Also, Jared needed a hand to hang sheetrock.  Sheetrock!!!  How cool is it that we're to this point!?

Well now, doesn't that look like a room?  There's still more to be done, but hey, this bathroom has come by leaps and bounds in the last few weeks.

There's still a bit of plumbing to do for the sink and toilet, and Jared is going to install a recessed medicine cabinet.  We are getting so close!

I forgot to show a picture of Jared's skill at cutting holes in tile.  Not an easy task.

In the meantime, I've been working on a few projects of my own.  The baby blanket has been coming along, as long as I keep working diligently on it.

But I also convinced myself to make a diaper bag.  I used a Simplicity pattern, but I DON'T recommend using this pattern at all.  It was not very well written, and I'm just glad I had my mom via skype to help when I discovered problems.

I'm pretty proud of this bag.  I've never made anything like it before, so it was a fun challenge.  The bag has a large back pocket, two exterior side pockets, lots of pockets on the inside, and lots of space.  If I decide to make this pattern again, I think I'll use a heavier weight of fabric, but we'll see how this one works.  It was a fun project, and I've decided I could stand to do more sewing.

November is creeping up on us here, but Jared and I are both praying and working to get things done in time.  I have to say, considering Jared works full time, goes to his ETS (getting out of the Army) appointments, and attends my baby doc appointments, he does a pretty amazing job keeping up with the work on the house.  What an amazing guy I have!  Maybe I'm so focused on having a Thanksgiving baby that I'm just thankful all the time.  Then again, God has given me plenty to be thankful for!

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