Monday, November 12, 2012

The Clock is Ticking!

We are down to the last little wire before my mother-in-law comes to visit.  And yet, we are still not done with nearly as much as we had hoped!  Of course, it would just be too easy if, for once, things went smoothly.  After the Rabbits finished and cleared out, the state of the floors was something that Jared and I were quite unhappy with.  Unfortunately for Glenn, since his carpenters didn't take care of things, it came back to bite him.  Because of the damage to the floors, Glenn decided to pay for them to be refinished in the rooms that had the most damage.  So his floor crew came in last week to do just that.  However, even they couldn't get it right!

The main issue with the floor crew was that they spoke very, very little English.  They asked me what color I wanted the floor to be, and I told them the color that was already there.  I wasn't really interested in going in a different direction with the floor color.  What was there was fine.  Clearly, they did not know how to pick a stain color, because dark mahogany was NOT what was there originally.  After they stained the front two rooms, Jared and I tried to tell them that the color was wrong, and we ended up having to go pick up a half pint of the right color to show them what it should have been.

The picture quality isn't the best, but in person, the difference is astounding.  The crew purchased the right stain color a little too late, and finished the family room staining around Thursday afternoon. However, in the midst of it all, the crew didn't understand that they needed to re do the front rooms.  It might sound ridiculous, but I don't see a point in "suffering" through badly stained floors when the whole point of the refinishing was to make them look better than before.  Also, I'm a believer in voicing an opinion when something isn't right.  Just because it would create more work for the crew to re do the front rooms doesn't mean that they shouldn't have to do it.  They messed up, they should fix it.  The problem came Friday, when instead of redoing the front rooms, they "sealed" over everything.  The crew, without a care in the world, "sealed" the floors in less than an hour and then left me stuck in the bedroom for five hours.  I say "sealed" because I'm fairly certain that based on the texture of the wood as it currently is is not really proper.  So Jared and I are NOT happy with the results.  The floors look streaky and the finish is rough.  Even though they were scratched and dirty before, at least the floors weren't water soluble.  After expressing the problem, yet again, to Glenn, he has determined that he will have them fixed...after Thanksgiving.

We had discussed getting the floors done properly this week, but the time frame kept getting smaller and smaller, so after the holiday, they'll be redone.

Now, on to things that are within my control...

With the Rabbits out, Jared and I are on our own with the rest of the projects around the house.  The family room needed a lot of love before it started to look decent, but Jared spent a few evenings painting the new ceiling, and now it looks fab.

This last Saturday, Jared had Jack come over to fix a few things.  Unfortunately, the main bathroom had an extremely leaky tub faucet, and without any actual water shut off valves, they had to hack into the wall to cap off the lines.  I'm not too bent out of shape about it, considering we have a working shower in the other bathroom.  It just means that shower schedules while the family is here will be a little interesting.  The rest of the bathroom works fine, although it's a little ugly, so for now, we're just going to pull the shower curtain over it.

Also on Jack's to-do list was covering the holes in the living room.  The hole in the ceiling is no more!

Other than a few more coats of joint compound and tape, this room is pretty much paint ready.  I will not miss the ugly mustard yellow paint...

My weekend was spent making the family room pretty.  As we move through the house with our renovations, I'm never sad to see the paint color go.

The new light yellow is so refreshing after the baby poop brown that used to occupy every single wall in this house.

The color is called "Barcelona White."  We had to pick a color that would coordinate with the couch we have picked out for this room, and that proved to be tricky.  We haven't purchased the couch yet, simply because we didn't have anywhere to put it before now, but that is on the list of things to do for this week.

The far wall we painted in "Gravity" as an accent wall to bring out some different tones in the couch.  The picture isn't the best, but it does look super fab!

And Jared stretched his electrician's wings and installed our new ceiling fan all by himself.  Although, he managed to get the entire thing assembled and ready to go without connecting the wires in the very top...haha.

This room is not without a future...The bathtub on the other side of this wall seems to have some serious issues, but we'll have to address them at a later date.  The main thing is, it's not leaking now, so it should be fine for the time being.  However, the old sheetrock and patch has left this wall looking like a wrinkled old man, even though you can't see it in this picture.  We'll have to tackle that eventually.

And lastly, I was informed yesterday that Tobe, Jared's mom, is coming in on Friday, not Saturday as was originally planned.  As happy as I am to have family visit, I'm seriously about to go whirlwind crazy on this house to get it sort of ready.  We still don't have the rest of our counters in the kitchen, which could prove interesting when I'm cooking.  The living room needs to be painted, but I have to wait on the joints to be done and feathered out.  The master bath needs to be painted too.  All I need to do there is pick out a color, and that is proving to be difficult!  We've got to rearrange the house, too.  The cat room is getting turned in to our guest room, and Ullr's old room is being turned into the cat room.  Ullr doesn't really need a room anymore, as he's got the yard.  When this next week is over, I'm going to take a long nap and just chill for awhile.  Until then, I've got PLENTY of stuff to do!

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