Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Paint Chips 'O Plenty

Still no house...Bummer!  However, we're due to close this Friday.  If we don't, it's another round of extensions, and Jared and I will have to figure out where to live after vacating our apartment before the renovations are done on the house.  Hopefully (knock on wood, cross your fingers, throw salt over your left...or is it right?...shoulder) there won't be any more hiccups.  The reason for the delay, though unpleasant, is valid.  The mortgage broker we were getting turfed to unexpectedly quit and dumped all her current and potential clients on her ex coworkers.  Valid, yes.  Annoying, indeed.

Fortunately, I've been looking through numerous copies of Better Homes and Gardens and sorting through paint chips to keep my mind busy.  On a side note, I think naming paint colors would be a fun job.  So far, Jared and I have been able to come up with colors for the living room, kitchen/dining, and master bedroom.

The three greens for the majority of the kitchen/dining.
I'm leaning towards Parakeet Pete on the bottom right.
Also, it's getting continued into half of the living room.
Chair rail anyone?

In the living room, I'm thinking Parakeet Pete on the
bottom, Milk and Cookies on the top.  I love chair
rails, though not as much as I love wainscoting.

Colors for the bedroom.  Not too sure which one I like
more, though I'm leaning towards Swiss Coffee on the left.

Just for fun.  Possible front door colors!

Some of the laminate colors I liked paired up with Pete.
I'm not sure how I feel about any of them, to be honest.

We're not getting it, but I found it amusing
that there was a textured glass that shares
my former last name.  Who knew?

Ok, so not exactly paint chip related, but I
like these!

We still haven't gotten around to picking out colors for the bathrooms, family room, or second bedroom, but we'll get there.  Also, I think I'd rather focus on just a few rooms at a time.  Still, I'm ready to get in there with paint roller in hand.  There's nothing like a fresh coat of paint to make a room something completely different!



  1. Just thought of another thing that might help. Work backwards! I know it will be easy to paint now that its empty, but then you have to try and color match everything to the paint. Try picking out fabrics and furnishings first and then you can have the paint color matched.
