Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Who knew yard work was so difficult?

 Can you believe it's the end of June already?  Honestly, I can.  The heat and humidity are only getting higher down here, and it's a constant reminder that we're just on the cusp of the hottest part of the year.  Then, why, oh why, did Jared and I decide to start our yard work now?

Part of me is super excited to have a yard to work in and make, if not like my mother's, at least sort of nice.  That eager part of me spurred Jared and I on to getting a head start on our jungle of a yard-to-be.  I proposed that we start early in the day, thinking it would be cooler than the rest of the day.  It was, in comparison.  But Georgia is Georgia, and though it was "cooler," it was still hot...and humid.

Anyway, with a blatant disregard for the weather, Jared and I attempted to do some yard work.  We basically got around to taking out one giant bush...it was a little pathetic, but we tried, and made some progress.  I also took some pictures of the yard.  There's a lot to be done, but maybe with a lot of sweat and effort, we'll make this yard a tamed jungle.

I'm not really sure what this plant is, but
it's big.

Looking down the side of the house from
the driveway.  It just keeps going and going.
Just one of the many oddities stored at the house by the
owners.  The clump of trees/brush on the left is mostly
a sweet gum tree.  On the right there's a live oak and
magnolia growing next to each other.  I'd love to keep
the magnolia, but it's getting over run by the oak.
There's also a lot of bamboo (which Jared REALLY
wants to keep...we'll see).

It's going to take a lot, but I hope to at least
clean this tree up.

Lots of potential for a little patio and garden
area.  Just a bit of work to clean it up.

Poor Ullr doesn't like his pen.  We're keeping
the chain link for future use, we're just not
sure where to put it.

The major project of the day.  It turned into quite an ordeal.
With loppers, hedge trimmers, an ax, and two shovels, we
managed to uproot this beast.  It also grew next to an old
stump, which we removed.

The man hard at work.  This was about half-
way through.  All that's left is a dirt hole!  At
least we got something done.  Several bushes
growing next to each other created one nasty
root ball.  Digging that up was no small task,
but we managed.

Specialist Ullr reporting for duty!  Sure, it
has nothing to do with yard work, but it's

During our efforts to remove that one bush, Jared commented to me, "I never knew yard work was so difficult!"  I can't say that I've ever done any yard work as difficult as that, but I've done my fair share.  However, that was just the tip of the iceberg.  This yard will prove to be interesting, if not crazy difficult.


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